Displacement Piles

This piling system has recently been introduced by GeoCiv Group into the Southern African region.  Its well-established track record in other parts of the world has shown it to be a fast and economical piling methodology with no vibrations and limited noise levels.  It has overcome many of the limiting features of the CFA pile and exhibits equivalent pile performance to a driven pile.

Positive Features

  • High production levels are attainable in suitable soil conditions
  • The system provides an economical solution in suitable soil profiles
  • The soil displacement technology delivers good pile performance at significantly shallower depths to CFA and bored piles
  • Noise levels are low and limited to the engine noise of the piling rigs
  • The system is vibrationless
  • The pile shaft can be reinforced over its full length using a variation to the normal installation methodology
  • Pile load capacity can be ensured on each pile by monitoring the installation energy
  • No soil removal is required with the soil displacement technology

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